God's Presents-God's Presence
Well, as seems to be the difficulty lately, I have not got any more pictures. What is happening there is that I am not taking any, only video, so that doesn't help these updates. Then, when we get home late (as we did last night), we all go to bed. Then, I get up an hour before everyone (at least - two hours before others ... Justin & Joey...) and I do these updates. So, since we haven't been here at night to download pictures, you all are not getting them. Sorry.
So, this update doesn't really require a picture anyhow, just a cool story. We have visited many ministries, and seen many things. Since nowhere really new is coming, but just places we have already seen, yesterday we sat down to discuss "gifts" to ministries here. We agreed to give money to the ministries that we saw as a need. The number one gift we will be giving (largest amount of money) will be to the youth ministry here at PTA called the Passage, and the Boulevard ministries. They work with the young here, and educate them (even pay for college tuition when needed). They also give them the spiritual education that they need, along with medical care. All this together in our eyes equals the best ministry being done here. Other things that we will give to are the Mental Facility that we all visited (under the guidance of Rennie and Irene - staff at PTA); as well as a donation to medical outreaches, and other ministries.
We as a team bought PTA the new "hood fan" that they needed for their new kitchen here on site. That was only $200 US Dollars. Now they can begin work on their new kitchen for future housing of mission teams. We will personally reap the benefits the next time we visit.
One ministry has been on my heart since we started planning this trip (bear in mind, I have been here before). It is called the Rainbow Orphanage. Now, when we arrived, it was mind blowing to see this beautiful property, since we had just seen another orphanage which was far less beautiful, and clean for that matter. White (American) families and missionaries run this property, and they came across (we thought) as not really needing funding. However, God kept them on my heart. They are a ministry that I actually see making a difference. Children are being adopted out to families all over the world. Right now, there are two little girls (maybe 4 years old???) that have pictures on their walls where they sleep of families that are coming to adopt them. One in the states, and one somewhere else. This is the ministry that asked us to be cautious, and not put pictures on the internet due to the nature of their ministry. So, since God kept me thinking about them, and even though they didn't look like they needed money, we were faithful as a team to set aside a gift for them. Our gift to them was given last night. We had called them and set a time to get together.
When Karen Moser and I pulled Becky from Rainbow Orphanage to the side (privately), and we gave her the money, it seemed as if she was very moved. A very composed woman showed a sense of relief on her face. She told us that they had been cutting back staff hours, and starting to have to say no to new kids coming in because funding was very low. She told us that this gift was, "very timely".
Becky, if you read this, I hope that this is a time where God strengthens the faithful staff at Rainbow, and that you know that there are those that God will send to keep your very needed ministry going in all times of need. Karen and I were very moved, and I know that we will not soon forget how much we were glad to be a part of what God is doing in Southeast Asia.
So, after that, the entire team went out for a very "Filipino", very Asian tradition, we went to Pizza Hut, and we all had pizza. Since the Gathering (College Ministry) had just had pizza night, we felt compelled to do the same!!!
Last night was fun, we really enjoyed our American food. But, we also started realizing that we are getting really close to leaving. Some of us with a heart for the nations are not so sure we are ready. I know that personally I would rather fly my wife (and of course the dogs!) out here, than go home right now. It is tough to leave such a beautiful ministry opportunity, when we know that "real life" waits at home.
But, never fear Christie and Robbie: since half of your bridal party, and me who will officiate are here, we promise to come home for your wedding!!!
We love you all, and even though we are not all ready to come home, we will sure be glad to see our loved ones.
Blessings from an island where God is present,
Jeff Ludington.
I didn't see Rainbow Orphanage, but I did meet Pastor "Trip" Kimball, whose family was called to start this ministry. I wonder if your group has attended church at Calvary Chapel there in Dumaguete. I told my friend Marilyn to look for a group of Americans :)
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