Friday, July 28, 2006

Winding down

OK, so today really feels like we are winding down. I think we are all tired, but still unwilling to quit! We had two ministry days left to do, and we went at the first one with all we could. 14 of us loaded left this morning to go to a city about a 45 minute drive north of here called Tanjay (TAN-hi). We went there to do market evangelism. Basically, our goal was to hand out several hundred tracts to the people shopping and working in the marketplace (I think the Cebuano word for that is "changi").

So, we broke up into teams of 2-4, loaded up with tracts, and went for it. Since I am writing this at almost 11pm my time, and breakfast is at 6:30am, that is all I have for tonight. However, I am including pictures tonight (thanks to Justin and Cyndi).



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