Monday, August 14, 2006

"Jesus Loves You, But I'm His Favorite"

Allison [judoCHOP] and I were on route to a drop off at Silliman University to hand out tracts; you know, share the gospel of Jesus Christ with complete STRANGERS. In a moment of shear panic I wondered, “When did we sign up for street evangelizing? Jeff’s made a mistake.” I began having a meltdown inside my head.

We set off with some pretty weird ideas about evangelizing. The people of Dumaguete City are incredibly gracious because no one burst out laughing in my face. God must have been roiling in heaven as he watched me step out to “save” souls that day. I became pretty much the worst evangelist in the history of the world. I brought new meaning to the term, “Jesus-freak.”

It was pretty dumb, but I was under the impression that there must be some “formula” for bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In any other deployment, sending a out a worker, who is pretending to know what they are doing would be dangerous [or humiliating.] God however is in control.

As I assailed my personal testimony upon many college students, I’m sure many of them thought, “Wow, Americans are really strange and bold. This lady is kinda creepy...” They were extremely polite because no one ran away.

Allison became a TRACT-PASSING-MACHINE: yes, God moved in swiftly to fill the gaps, where we were lacking. 4-dozen tracts or perhaps more were handed out. I don’t believe my religious-ranting particularly moved anyone to receive Jesus into his or her heart that day. I was deeply blessed however by the sight of students actually reading the tracts. Of those who received the tracts, many started reading them on the spot or [as I released them from the vice-grip of my desperate need to share my testimony] as they crept away... Very few rejected the tracts. It was extraordinary.

There’s a t-shirt that says, “Jesus Loves You, But I’m His Favorite,” and that was how I privately felt. That day I became the apple of our Lord’s eye: through my faith He had blessed many in spite of my fear and retarded preconceptions. I understand it takes 6-8 times for the Gospel to be heard for a person to come to Christ. Don’t hold back if the Spirit compels you: God will bless your trust and fill in the gaps. Just pray, ask and be ready to move.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Corey said...

Just love those photos. Interesting forms of transportation over there, eh? ;)

With the country's strong Catholic foundation, most Filipinos are likely familiar with the message of Christ. At the very least they have heard His name, even if they have not accepted Him into their lives. Still, as the only officially Christian country in SE Asia it desperately needs to maintain its faith in the Lord. So much of this part of the world is untouched by the Gospel, and the Philippines has proven to be an important launching point for the Gospel into other nearby countries. I have a filipina friend who has been serving in Kazakhstan for many years. She received her ministry training from a school in the Philippines that was founded by an American couple. They equipped her, and now she's equipping others to carry the message.

The value of your visit may me most evident in the filipinos you have inspired to take the message outside their borders.


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